One January 15th, 2012 The Grand Lodge of Minnesota held its annual One Day to Masonry at the Scottish Rite Building in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I knew it was going to be a good day when I arrived. The parking lot was full.The closest parking spot I could find was six blocks away.
The 58 Candidates enjoyed a full day of the finest Masonic Degree work in all of Minnesota. Not only the Candidates enjoyed the work but so did the 220 side liners. Here it is becoming popular for the Brothers to come and see the degrees and have lunch and renew friendships.
You hear alot of talk about those who participate in the One day Class vs those who participate in the more traditional routes. So I have some numbers for you to look at and you can decide for your self.
Since October 23, 1998 we have raised 1242 Masons in the One Day Classes. Today were still have 886 members, 36 have died, 320 have withdrawn or have been dropped due to N.P.D.
During the exact same time frame we raised in the traditional method 4523 Masons there are today 3522 members. You do the math.
I was not in favor of the One Day to Masonry when it first started.But I have come to the conclusion that there isn't any difference in the route you select. It is up to the individual and the lodge mentoring on the type and quality of Mason the Candiate becomes.
Here we have Custodians of the Ritual work, Grand Lodge Officers, a lot of Past Masters who were all One Day Candidates.
I am very proud of the quality of the work, the site that we hold the event and right down to the lunch we provide. So I invite you if you have an opportunity to come and spend the day and I think you ll enjoy it.
Photo provided by Brother Richard Herviex of Minnesota River Valley Lodge
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