I plan on posting my experiences when I return for both. The Brothers in Manitoba were wonderful and are true Masons. I enjoyed myself very much. More of the story when I return. Until then here are some images to look upon
or sitting Grand........wonderful Brothers

The Grand Lodge of Minnesota Corporate Board voted to donate Twenty five hundred dollars ----American to the Museum of Human Rights. Again we voted to donate $2,500 dollars......thats $ 2 5 , 0 0. 00----see the next photo please

This will be the funny story and this is where the Grand Master announced that the Grand Lodge of Minnesota donated TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to the Human Rights Museum. 
Left to right is Worshipful Brother Jake Mohns, Brother Bill Kay, Alberto Osoria and Bryan Collinswood.
The Grand Lodge of Minnesota Corporate Board voted to donate Twenty five hundred dollars ----American to the Museum of Human Rights. Again we voted to donate $2,500 dollars......thats $ 2 5 , 0 0. 00----see the next photo please
This will be the funny story and this is where the Grand Master announced that the Grand Lodge of Minnesota donated TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to the Human Rights Museum.
I stood up and said" Excuse me Grand Master" !!!! Our GrandMaster caught himself perfectly and of course corrected himself so honorably . The photo is everyone having a good laugh.
I think our Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretery had heard it they would of had a heart attack............
Left to right is Worshipful Brother Jake Mohns, Brother Bill Kay, Alberto Osoria and Bryan Collinswood.
Brother Jake is from Mystery Lake Lodge and its 4 to 6 hours North of Winnipeg. He has sent me the e newsletter of his lodge. Its 7 pages long......its great......if you want to see a copy I will e mail it to you.
Brother Alberto is recently from Peru. He worked in the Gold mines there. Now he has brought his expertise of mining and his family to Manitoba. It was a pleasure to meet him.
Brother Bryan was from Essex England where he worked for the Metro Police Department.He can to canada and has recently retired from 30years on the Winnipeg PD.
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