A Masonic blog providing education and enlightenment on Freemasonry. News,thoughts in the Freemason Community Not telling the Masonic secrets just the news
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Two new Officers Minnesota Grand Chapter
Today Most Excellent Joe Anderson of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota installed two new officers to his line. Jerry Zierdt and David Dumonceaux will be great additions to the leadership.
The line is now full, and the conference room will be buzzing
Thursday, December 28, 2017
The Greatest Gift of All
Christmas Observance Speech
When I was a little boy, I remember asking my Mother why we
received presents when it was Jesus’s Birthday. Mom said that, “giving presents
was a gift of love and that God gave us the greatest gift of all. He gave us
Jesus and that by believing in him, when we die we will go to heaven to be with
him forever, and you will see your Great Grandmother again”.
I couldn’t have been but four or five years old at the time,
but those words have stayed with me as I grew up and as developed into my
manhood and even now in my maturing years, I remember them well.
My Mother was the world’s greatest gift giver. She and my Dad
would listen to my sister and I as we talked about our likes and dislikes. They
paid great attention to our activities and were always on the lookout, all year
long, for the perfect gift.
Mom kept an ongoing list of presents and at Thanksgiving
time she would sequester all the Aunts and Uncles off to another room and behind
locked doors, and in hushed voices, shared the information with them. It was
organized and looked like a planning session between Churchill and Eisenhower
when they were planning for D Day, I imagine.
When Christmas came I would gaze at all of the packages under
the tree. My parents had a formula for what was included and wrapped into those
beautifully wrapped packages. Those packages contained what I needed and the things
I most desired. Every year there was socks, underwear, handkerchiefs, a flannel
shirt, a sweater, blue jeans and a few fishing lures from my uncles and the one
perfect present that Mom and Dad spent all year planning.
It always seemed that the perfect present was given at the
perfect time in my life when I could most understand and appreciate them. There
was the Hop a Long Cassidy Gun set, the Butterfly net, and Magnifying glass,
the red bicycle, the Cub Scout uniform, the down jacket when I went to Alaska,
and the handmade quilts when I bought a home.
There was an extreme amount of planning, thought and
consideration that went into the gift giving by my parents. There was nothing
haphazard about the giving and I appreciated every gift. Sometimes my appreciation
grew with the gift like for most of the clothes that were given one size larger
so I could grow into them.
I didn’t actually figure it out until I was almost thirty
that I came from a family of what you would call today, the working poor. I
think many people in this world would be envious of my childhood and the family
that I had for we were rich in many ways. During my Dad’s entire life he always
said every few days how rich he was. So, one hot summer day, after we were
working on a project, over a beer I asked him about what he meant. He explained
that he was “rich” in Love.
I think some of us in this room tonight may have given gifts
that haven’t always been so appreciated. We may have spent a lot of time and money,
and with the very best intentions, but in the end we did not achieve the
desired results with our gift. We may have been hoping for a Wow, when all that
was received as an “OH ya sure…. Thanks”.
As the gift giver we may feel sad, frustrated, or irritated
when you find the diamond earrings tossed to the side of the bathroom sink or
the expensive cashmere sweater laying in a ball on the floor. And guys don’t
worry I won’t repeat what you said when you gave your wives lingerie for
Christmas last year.
And then there are some people who decide to push the limits
of procrastination and do their shopping on Christmas Eve. There is nothing
like a little Christmas shopping “frenzy” to get you in the Christmas Spirit,
or out of it fast.
On one of my tours in the Uniformed Division of the police
department, I had a sharp young partner named Larry who had about three years
on with the department. We were working on December 23rd and we both
had Christmas Eve off. We were walking into the Station at the end of our shift
and I said, “Larry what are you going to tomorrow”? Larry replied, “I’m going to do my Christmas
shopping and then my fiancée and I are going to my parents’ house for dinner. We will open presents and celebrate Christmas.”
I said, “Larry you haven’t done any shopping yet? Are you crazy?”
Larry said, “Tom I love the concept of ‘The One Day Hunt’. Didn’t
I shoot that eight point buck this year one hour into the Deer Opener?” I said,
“Good Luck, Larry and Merry Christmas.”
On Christmas Day morning we both had to work again. After roll
call, as we were walking out to the Squad car, I heard Larry say, “I’m so happy
this Christmas is over” as he threw his ticket book at the dash board and I
closed my door to the car. Now, when working in Law enforcement, that type of
response is usually a sign that you need to drive to a coffee shop, get a donut
or bagel, and talk with your partner. Now, Larry is a fit guy and he eats
healthy, but this called for drastic action. So, I ordered him a triple
expresso and a huge Bear Claw. Once he was about half way done with the claw
and coffee I asked, “Well Larry, what went wrong?”
Larry replied, “I got up at 11:00, ate breakfast and
reviewed the things I intended to buy everyone. Traffic was crazy, and I
couldn’t even get into Southdale, so I decided to try Ridgedale and then I
couldn’t find a place to park. So, then I drove to the Mall of America. Once I
finally got into the Mall it was packed and it was shoulder to shoulder with
people. Finally, I found one of the things on my list, and then I stood in line
forever to pay. I looked at my watch and I was overcome with anxiety. It was
two o’clock and I had to pick up my fiancée at three to be at my parents’ house
at four.”
So I asked, Larry did you get any presents at all?”’ Larry,
who was visibly upset relating his story, responded “You know, I have a good
paying job, unlike my shiftless future brother-in-law. So yes, everybody got a
present. But Tom, I was in a panic, so I
went to Walgreens and got some real nice Hallmark cards and then I went to
Super America.” I said, “Larry, I bet your family is just happy to have you
there to celebrate and any present from you is nice.” Larry replied, “TOM, I
gave my MOM A GAS CARD from Super America for Christmas! My Dad and brother got
$50.00 worth of Lottery tickets. I gave my Fiancée cash. It was mindless
shopping, I’ve never been so irritated and frustrated in my life. I just hope
that they are all talking to me by New Year’s.”
So, I later learned, that Larry’s Dad took him to lunch
after the holidays. They had one of those talks that only a loving Dad can have
with his Son. Larry’s Dad pointed out that Larry has missed what was right in
front of him the whole time. The first clue was that his Mother, for 30 years,
arranges a Manger Scene on a table by the front door every Christmas. It’s to
remind everyone that enters the home that Christ is the center of Christmas.
Larry was so consumed by the empty promise of presents and materialism that he
didn’t really see his loving and supportive family around him, who really did
not care what he gave for presents.
And in the end, the presents that Larry gave were useful and
well received. Although Larry’s Father
and Brother didn’t have a winning Lottery ticket, his Mother and Father were
planning to a trip to Arizona and could use the gas card for the trip. Larry’s Fiancée has just started a job
working in an office and used the money to buy many nice clothes to wear to
work. It really is the thought that
Besides shopping, we may have other Christmas traditions or
rituals in our families that enrich or add some excitement to our lives.
There are the outdoor lights, decorations and displays that
dazzle our homes and neighborhoods. I truly enjoy taking a walk or drive, after
dinner, so enjoy the neighborhood lights and displays. Or perhaps, there is the sending and
receiving Christmas cards, and family newsletters. I think I got one this
One things I remember best is walking into the house and
smelling freshly baked Christmas cookies. My Mother would start her baking the
morning after Thanksgiving and would finish the week before Christmas. She would bake what seemed to about 50
different varieties in every shape and color you could imagine.
My Father would eat Christmas cookies until his
birthday-which was the 4th of July and then complain when they were
Or, we have our favorite Christmas Tv shows and movies that
we love to watch each year such as; A Christmas Carol; It’s a Wonderful Life; Frosty
the Snowman; or How the Grinch stole Christmas.
And of course, who can forget the classic Charlie Brown Christmas show that
many of us and our children have watched for over the last 50 years.
Do you remember Good Old Charlie Brown? Our favorite Blockhead
who couldn’t muster up the courage to talk to the cute little Red-haired girl?
Do you remember when Charlie Brown finds that forlorn little
Christmas Tree? The image of that poor tattered tree makes me laugh and cry to
this day.
But, Charlie Brown, discovered that our family traditions or
rituals of shopping, gift giving, lights and decorations, Christmas cards, and
cookies were only symbols but not the true meaning of Christmas. Charlie Brown
asks the most profound question in that shows when in an exasperated voice he
asks, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about”?
Linus, Charlie Browns best friend, who is always seen with
his blue security blanket, says in a calm voice, “Sure Charlie Brown, I can
tell you what Christmas is all about”.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds
abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And,
lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round
about them: and they were sore afraid. 10 And the
angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great
joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you
is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And
this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped
in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13 And
suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising
God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men. (King James Luke 2:8-14)
“That’s what’s Christmas is
all about Charlie Brown”…Linus concludes.
That’s what’s Christmas is
all about….
God gave us the greatest
gift. There is a package from him with your name on it.
The gift was extremely
thought out and planned, and it is a gift of his true love. This gift is more
precious than any money can buy.
God’s gift doesn’t wear
out, never goes out of fashion, doesn’t need batteries, and doesn’t need an
internet connection. No assembly is required.
Our gift was not wrapped in
beautiful paper with big fancy bows looking like it was professionally wrapped
by one of those nice ladies at Nordstrom’s.
Our gift was born in a
stable. He was wrapped in rags and laid in an animals feeding trough, in very
humbling surroundings.
16 For God so loved the world that he
gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Jesus Christ came to earth for one
specific purpose, to make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and go
to heaven when we die.
Jesus said, “For the Son of man came to
seek and save the lost”.
Luke 19:10
When Jesus was nailed to the cross our
sins were nailed with him. He paid the price for us, a slow agonizing death for
our salvation.
What God asked for in return for this
great gift, is to love him….. to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and all your strength”.
Deuteronomy 6:5
Christmas is a time for us Sir Knights and
Christians to rediscover the wonders of that gift.
From Manger to the Cross………………
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Masonic Christmas Pudding Tradition
Red Wing Lodge #8 for the past ten years has a tradition of a Christmas Pudding at the December Stated Meeting and Officer Installation . Its a tradition that has certainly grown over they years, and certainly one of my favorite masonic events of the year...anywhere!
Now you just don't go down to the local bakery ( if you have one) and pick one up to take home.
Past Master Gary Thomas and Chef by occupation makes it every year for us. Gary says that its a labor of love for him, and that he loves to make it. When I asked how long it takes to make he replied about all day. "All Day I asked" Gary said "Ya about an hour and a half to cut, chop and mix all the ingredients and seven hours to steam it, oh shopping for all the stuff, ya pretty much all day."
I asked what was in it, and Gary said Raisins,Plums,two and a half pounds of butter, three cups of sugar, a little suet and some other things.There are thirteen ingredients and there is a ritual to making it. I said Gary there's a Masonic Ritual to making Christmas Pudding? Being a Past Grand Master I know the Masonic work I wondered how I missed this one? Gary replied that there is a traditional ritual that he uses with recipe that's not masonic.
Here is a summary of the process and its symbolism:
The Christmas pudding is a custom that goes back to medieval England.
The pudding has thirteen ingredients to represent Christ and the twelve disciples.
Each family member of the household takes turns stirring the mixture. They stir in the direction of East to West honoring the Magi who traveled in that direction.
There was a prayer that was said during the stirring, but Gary couldn't remember that part.
Brandy is warmed and then placed on the pudding, and lite. For a little flavor and a very nice dramatic effect.
It is served with a dollop of icing that Gary wont talk about. (maybe in ten more years Ill get that out of him)
Its the perfect dessert after an excellent hearty meal on a cold December night. The room is filled with Masonic Brotherhood, a few candles its the perfect night.
I should also mention that Past Master Jeff Seaberg prepares an excellent dinner.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
have gone on vacation to Israel to see the places where Abraham,Moses and Jesus
had hung out in.
will be walking the streets of Jerusalem in the city of David and stand on the
Mount of Olives. The city that defined the events of the birthplace of my
Christian faith.
I am also looking forward to spending the evening with Jerusalem Lodge #4 and their Festive Board.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Put the Thanks Back into Thanksgiving
Put the Thanks Back into Thanksgiving
By Tom Hendrickson P.G.M.
To me Thanksgiving has been lost
between Halloween and Christmas and has become a forgotten holiday. I went into
a store just before Labor Day and all the Halloween decorations, candy and
costumes were out on display. Then a few weeks later when I went back to
purchase Halloween candy, the Christmas decorations, lights, and artificial
trees were on sale!
I know that it is hard to believe, but
from the time the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock and for three and half
centuries, friends and families gathered together sharing the bounty of their
efforts and spending time together strengthening our spiritual bonds. Together
they took time to recognize and thank God for the blessings in their lives.
Then somewhere in time Thanksgiving was hijacked and turned into just a day of
football and shopping.
Thanksgiving has been reduced to just
become a spring board for the Christmas shopping season. November 23rd
is a day spent looking thru the store advertising and preparing for that
strategic shopping adventure, with many of the stores opening on Thanksgiving
evening for the pre-Black Friday shopping. Of course, before the shopping there
is the big meal and plenty of football to be consumed.
To me Thanksgiving should celebrate the ideals which makes our country
flourish, religious and personal freedom, family values, shared prosperity,
stability, bounty, safe harbor and most important
is gratitude to God for all our
Thanksgiving should be a day when we
share a meal with our loved ones that nourishes our bodies. We spend time together
strengthening our spiritual bonds and together we are
thankful for God’s presence and blessing in our daily lives
Now, not every Thanksgiving has been
over the river and thru the woods to Grandma’s house. Some of us ate
Thanksgiving dinner from a Mermite food container dropped out of a chopper at a
Firebase overseas. Some of us ate crackers at a hospital while a loved one was
in Intensive Care, or we ate at a Police Station, at a Truck Stop or at the
Salvation Army.
Sometimes we must look beyond our daily
struggles and examine our lives to count and focus on our blessings. This
lesson was driven home hard for me one day just recently. I was at a local
restaurant and at the table next to mine was a young man in a wheel chair. He
had lost both legs and his right arm as a Marine in Iraq. We had a nice talk
then he said something that moves me to this day. He said that he was really
thankful that he still had his eyesight and he thanks God every day he is still
We look to the Bible and King David
wrote in Psalms 100:4(NIV) Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts
with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. And Paul wrote in
Ephesians 5:20 (NIV) Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As men of faith and as Sir Knights we
should remember that the spirit of Thanksgiving should be present with us each
and every day. Let us all remember the spirit of Thanksgiving and make our
prayers and thanks be heartfelt every day.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Musee de l”Armee Paris France
Tom Hendrickson
I had the great opportunity to visit the French Army Museum in Paris France this past January. Its Medieval Armour collection is the best in the world. Its collections contains hundreds upon hundreds of complete suits of Armour, beautiful ornate craftmanship that are works of art. You can see how small the Knights actually were. I am standing next to the typical suit of Armour.
After about four hours we needed a break and had a wonderful lunch in the museum cafeteria as only the French can do. Then it was on to the Artillery collection, the Napoleons Crypt that was most impressive as well.
When we exited the Museum directly outside we found the Order of Malta setting up for a charity fundraiser. The Order is a lay religious Order of the Catholic Church and was established in 1113 A.D. After we had past them at a safe distanced I whispered “Remember Jacques DeMolay”!
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
2017 Minnesota Masonic Retreat
Minnesota Royal Arch Chapter #1 just concluded its 2017 Masonic Retreat.It was held at the YMCA Camp St. Croix in Hudson Wisconsin. The camp is beautifully set in a North woods setting, on the banks of the St. Croix River only minutes from St. Paul Minnesota. It was two and a half days of good food, great conversations, and many opportunities to learn, and explore new ideas. There was even some great poetry read by Terry Christianson.
The day began at 8AM with breakfast, classes until noon, lunch, classes until 5:30 dinner,class until 7:00 followed by a Campfire until 2 or 3 in the morning. It was a full day and no opportunity for kickball, volleyball or horse back riding like the other kids did.
Here are just a short list of the various distinguished Speakers: Terry Christianson, Rob Jones,Scott Wolter,Aaron French,Timothy Hogan,Ray Hayward.Their topics ranged from The Lost Word,Symbology,Verbal Communication,Nazis,Masonry and the Occult, Five Points of Fellowship, and many more.
It was just a great week end and Ill be sure to attend next year. Thank you my Brothers, my teachers, my Students.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017
The Handwriting on the Wall
The Handwriting on the Wall
By Tom
The saying comes from Belshazzar’s
Feast which is mentioned in the Royal Arch Degree. It is a story that has many
important lessons for all of us to consider. To understand the rest of the
story I will explore the source which is in the Old Testament Book of Daniel
Chapters Four and Five.
The scene is in Babylon about the
Sixth Century before our era (or B.C.) and King Nebuchadnezzar’s Armies had conquered
Jerusalem. A sizable portion of the Jewish population of Judah including all
the Nobel’s and scholars had been captured and deported back to Babylon. The
Temple was sacked of all of its sacred treasures and taken to Babylon as well.
Among the stolen plunder were many sacred cups made of gold and silver.
King Nebuchadnezzar ordered his
officials to conduct a talent search among the prisoners to find the best and
the brightest to learn the local language and literature to serve within the
Kings Palace. The most impressive among the group of talented young Jews was
Daniel. Daniel had a very special gift as he could interpret the Kings dreams
and reveal their mysteries.
In time Daniel became a trusted
servant to the King, and Nebuchadnezzar did relinquish his pagan gods and acknowledged
Daniel’s God, the God of the people of Israel. Nebuchadnezzar’s son Belshazzar eventually
become King and he is a different story all together.
Now before we move on to the main
thrust of the story. I highly recommend you go on line and Google a painting by
Rembrandt called Belshazzar’s Feast. The painting depicts beautifully the story
you are about to read.
Daniel 5 Living Bible (TLB)
5 Belshazzar the king invited a thousand of his officers to a great
feast where the wine flowed freely. 2-4 While
Belshazzar was drinking, he was reminded of the gold and silver cups taken long
before from the Temple in Jerusalem during Nebuchadnezzar’s reign and brought
to Babylon. Belshazzar ordered that these sacred cups be brought in to the
feast, and when they arrived, he and his princes, wives, and concubines drank
toasts from them to their idols made of gold and silver, brass and iron, wood
and stone.
5 Suddenly, as they were drinking from these cups, they saw the
fingers of a man’s hand writing on the plaster of the wall opposite the
lampstand. The king himself saw the fingers as they wrote. 6 His
face blanched with fear, and such terror gripped him that his knees knocked
together and his legs gave way beneath him.
7 “Bring the magicians and astrologers!” he screamed. “Bring the
Chaldeans! Whoever reads that writing on the wall and tells me what it means
will be dressed in purple robes of royal honor, with a gold chain around his
neck, and he will become the third ruler in the kingdom!”[a]
8 But when they came, none of them could understand the writing or
tell him what it meant.
9 The king grew more and more hysterical; his face reflected the
terror he felt, and his officers too were shaken.
So the Queen-Mother heard the ruckus and ran into the banquet hall
and told the King to calm down. She told him to call Daniel for he could
interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve difficult problems and he would
know what the writing on the wall means.
So Daniel is summoned and rushes in…..
22 “And you, his successor, O Belshazzar—you knew all this, yet
you have not been humble. 23 For you have defied the Lord of Heaven and brought here these cups
from his Temple; and you and your officers and wives and concubines have been
drinking wine from them while praising gods of silver, gold, brass, iron, wood,
and stone—gods that neither see nor hear nor know anything at all. But you have
not praised the God who gives you the breath of life and controls your destiny! 24-25 And so God sent those fingers to write this message: ‘Mene,’ ‘Mene,’ ‘Tekel,’ ‘Parsin.’
26 “This is what it means:
“Mene means ‘numbered’—God has numbered the days of your reign, and they
are ended.
27 “Tekel means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed in God’s balances and have
failed the test.
28 “Parsin means ‘divided’—your kingdom will be divided and given to the
Medes and Persians.”
29 Then at Belshazzar’s command, Daniel was robed in purple, a gold
chain was hung around his neck, and he was proclaimed third ruler in the
And that very night King
Belshazzar was killed, and Babylon was conquered.
Quite a story. If you googled the picture as suggested, the
story comes to life within the painting.
The morale of the story is clear: remember that our days on this earth
are numbered and the time we spend here will be weighed and judged. So, live
each day to the fullest, do good works and appreciate every day for it may be
your last.
Remember -”The Hand Writing is on
the wall”.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Peace Garden Lodge Annual Meeting
On August 12, 2017 The Annual Meeting for the Peace Garden Lodge will be held. I have been there twice, Its in beautiful surroundings and the only building in the Shape of a Square and Compass in the world Im told. I have taken information from my blog post from a few years ago to provide much more information. Life Membership is only $50.00 you may want to consider it. Its the only Lodge I know that has an American Lodge Treasure and a Canadian Lodge Treasure.
The International Peace Garden Lodge of Freemasons was formed in 1993 with Warrants granted by the Grand Lodges of Manitoba, North Dakota and Minnesota. The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan became a chartering Grand Lodge in 2000 by motion of the members. Its purpose is "to promote and enhance fraternal relations among Freemasons of North America and to assist in the expansion and maintenance of the International Peace Garden."
Membership in the International Peace Garden Lodge of Freemasons is open to any Master Mason for a once-in-a-lifetime fee of $50.00, providing the Mason is, and remains, in good standing in any jurisdiction in the world which is recognized by the chartering grand jurisdictions. At the time of this writing, total membership is over 835 with members from Canada, the United States, Great Britain, Norway, Australia and the Bahamas.
Membership fees are placed in trust and may not be used for any purpose other than to generate interest which is used to defer operating expenses of the Lodge and other such expenditures as may be approved at the annual communication.
An annual meeting is held at the Peace Garden, usually in the Burdick Center for the Performing Arts, on the Saturday before the second Sunday in August, with arrangements in charge of the Chartering Grand Lodges on a rotating basis. Officers' titles and positions as well as the customs correspond to those of the Chartering Grand Lodge in charge of the arrangements in any given year.
The meeting deals with regular business and includes an inspirational speaker. Following the meeting, Masons and their ladies, usually enjoy some entertainment and a lunch in the Masonic Auditorium. If the meeting is tyled (for Masons only) there is a program arranged for the ladies.
The $775,000.00 Masonic Auditorium was dedicated in 1981 as a centennial project of the 20,000 Masons of Manitoba and North Dakota. It is built in the shape of the Square and Compasses and has seating for 2,000. It is the only building of its kind in the world.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Be Decisive
I saw this today and I chuckled to myself. I was remembering all the lodge meeting that no one could or would make a decision on the simplist of things. Like should we serve Orange juice at the next pancake breakfast, Or should we have Chicken or Beef Stew at the next Third Degree.
Im putting this on a card to keep in my wallet and read at the next lodge meeting.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
The First Three of the Thirty Three Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted ...
You may know that I am an active member of both the Scottish and the York Rites. I also study both hours most days. Above you will find a video on the First Three Degrees of the Scottish Rite.I think that it does an excellent job explaining the system and how it came to us.
It is written by Michael R. Poll.he is a very respected Masonic Scholar in my eyes and many others.
Michael is a Fellow and Past President of the Masonic Society and many other Masonic Research organizations. He is the Editor and Owner of Cornerstone books, and lives in New Orleans LA.
I encourage you to take the time to watch the video,and you will have a much clearer picture of how it all comes together.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Sunday, May 7, 2017
A Riddle
A Riddle……
P.G.M. Tom Hendrickson
I am the Masonic Word. Can you tell what Masonic Bodies tell
my story?
I wear the Color Blue, but I was lost.
I wear the Color Red, where I was Recovered.
I wear the Color Purple, where I was preserved.
I have a family name that I’m known by.
Masonic Lodge-Blue Lodge
Royal Arch Chapter- Red Lodge
Cryptic Council-Purple
The York Rite
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
The Knife and Fork Degree
Author Unknown
The Knife & Fork Degree
I do not attend the meetings,
For I've not the time to spare,
But every time they have a feast,
You will surely find me there.
I cannot help with the degrees,
For I do not know the work,
But I can applaud the speakers,
And handle a knife and fork
I'm so rusty in the ritual,
That it seems like Greek to me,
But practice has made me perfect,
In the Knife and Fork degree.
I do say in fun and jest. For I do enjoy a good meal at lodge and I do cook a few of those means as well. But I do the work after.
I do say in fun and jest. For I do enjoy a good meal at lodge and I do cook a few of those means as well. But I do the work after.
Belly Mason,
Knife and fork degree,
Masonic secrets
Thursday, April 13, 2017
What's It All About? – what it means to be a Freemason
From our Brothers at the United Grand Lodge of England
Saturday, April 8, 2017
2017-2018 Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota
Saturday, April 1, 2017
My...How Times Have Changed
Hendrickson P.G.M.
Chapter Minneapolis
Many years
ago I wanted to discuss the meanings and messages hidden within the symbols
used in our ritual. My request for more
information was often met by a blank stare.
I was informed, that the point of ritual was to memorize it, regurgitate
it for the degree work, and then hope to become a monitor or a custodian
someday. I was highly encouraged to
follow that path when I began and I started with the lectures. I would often ask my partner what a certain
item or phrase meant and they usually responded to me with “Tom, I don’t know,
I just memorize the stuff”.
I knew
though that there was much more to Freemasonry than chicken dinners after a
Third Degree, the once a year barbeque, the debates over whether or not to put
ceiling fans in the dining room and should we offer orange juice at the next
annual pancake breakfast.
Today, times
have changed and we must change with them.
We now find many young men standing at our doorstep, knocking at our
door, that are seeking education, enlightenment, spiritual growth and
meaningful experiences. These new men
come to us better informed about the craft than some of our current members. They have accessed the World Wide Web and
mined the vast information available there.
They have watched the History Channel and seen the countless television
shows about Freemasonry. They have read
the books written by Dan Brown and “Freemasons for Dummies”. These men come to us well versed in
information, some of it accurate, some not so accurate.
Never the
less, they come with a hunger to seek further light. We must be ready for the challenge to help
lead them to what they are seeking. If
we wish to attract and retain these men we must have more to offer them than a
once a year weenie roast, poorly read ritual work, a boring business meeting
and another dues card to put in their wallet. But the Royal Arch – Our Craft
and our ritual are the perfect means to satisfy their hunger.
Our ritual
is important. It offers lessons so a companion
can lead a life that is rich and fulfilling.
The ritual is the vehicle that our principles can ride into the hearts
of men. However, the words of the ritual
are not enough. It is the meaning of
those words that will lead men to live our teachings. Studying the rich history and symbolism of
the ritual is essential to the understanding behind the words.
Our ritual
contains beautiful poetry along with words of wisdom to live by. It is filled with history and religion. It is a treasure trove of symbols and
analogies that are worthy of introspection and meditation. Finally, the words contain profound truths
and a unique perspective on life for those who are willing to make the
conscious effort to uncover them.
Over the
next several months I will be offering various articles or papers on various
subjects in our ritual. Don’t worry, I
am not revealing the secrets. The
information I will be sharing is already in print or may be found by doing a
Google search on the internet. Feel free
to use these articles in your Chapter Convocation or for Chapter
education. Feel free to make copies of
them and talk about them. Use parts of
them in your newsletters or if you wish, use them to start a campfire.
information that will be shared is just an example of what can be done by any
willing companion who is willing to take some time to read and re-read the
ritual. I encourage all of you to try
your hand at it.
Every man
becomes a Mason for their own reasons.
Some seek light while others seek friendships. Some may seek wisdom or direction. Others may
seek all of these. The Royal Arch – Our Craft and our ritual can meet all of
these needs if we step up and gain a better understanding or our rituals. In order to teach our craft, and pass that
knowledge on to the next generation, we need to understand its lesson
there are secrets hidden in plain sight awaiting your discovery. My wish for you is that you discover them
Saturday, February 25, 2017
This is the life
I took a few days in the Caribbean to escape the Minnesota Winter. I had the wonderful experience to
just sit, and reflect on the work, and study some of the parts I wasn't so sure about.
I also would go at night and sit on the Promenade Deck of the ship. Listening to the ship cut thru the water and watching the Sunset with my Bible also was a very pleasant experience as well.
Now its back to work with a refreshed mind. Oh and to start a diet from the weight I gained from the fabulous food.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Its Brother Georges Birthday
![]() |
February 22, 1732 |
Our Brother George Washington was an honored and respected
Mason. At the age of 20, Washington was initiated as Apprentice on November 4,
1752 in Fredericksburg, VA. It was with his compassionate nature, appreciation
and understanding of the Masonic system that he flourished, and on August 4,
1754 George Washington was raised to Master Mason. As his character suggests he
was a ‘Just and Upright Mason’.
In his Presidential and Masonic career he presided in the cornerstone ceremony for the US Capitol in 1793.
George Washington was noted as a noble opponent, as well as a Brother. This was witnessed while a British traveling Lodge fell into the hands of American forces after being defeated; chests belonging to the British Lodge with contents of jewels and other treasures were ultimately surrounded to the American forces. Upon learning this, George Washington with his elegance and honor demanded the contents to be returned to the Lodge and regiment. With this noble act he gained much respect from the opponents.
On December 18, 1799 George Washington was laid to rest and buried at Mt. Vernon with Masonic rites.
In his Presidential and Masonic career he presided in the cornerstone ceremony for the US Capitol in 1793.
George Washington was noted as a noble opponent, as well as a Brother. This was witnessed while a British traveling Lodge fell into the hands of American forces after being defeated; chests belonging to the British Lodge with contents of jewels and other treasures were ultimately surrounded to the American forces. Upon learning this, George Washington with his elegance and honor demanded the contents to be returned to the Lodge and regiment. With this noble act he gained much respect from the opponents.
On December 18, 1799 George Washington was laid to rest and buried at Mt. Vernon with Masonic rites.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Royal Arch Quiz #3
Royal Arch Quiz Night
Master’s Degree-Virtual
Tom Hendrickson
did the Past Master’s degree originate?
a) The Ancients
b) The Moderns
c) The Scottish
d) Lost in the fog of time
group originally required that a Past Master only would be allowed to receive
the Royal Arch Degree?
a) The Scottish
b) The French
c) The Ancients
d) The Moderns
are the three fundamental masonic symbols of the Past Master’s Degree?
a) Square, gavel, By laws
b) Masters Hat, White gloves, Cane
c) Square, gavel, Volume of Sacred Law
(holy Bible)
d) Chicken, Green Beans, Mashed potatoes
qualities a Past Master should exhibit are:
a) Responsible Leadership
b) Moderation
c) Decorum
d) Justice
e) All the Above
whom is the Lodge of Past Master erected and dedicated to?
a) God and Hiram Abiff
b) God and the Holy St John
c) God and King Solomon
d) God and Zerubbabel
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