Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Grand Master of Alaska Is Offering You a Free Beer

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The Grand Master Of Masons in Alaska, Bo Cline, is busy making home brew beer to offer you a sample at the upcoming Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Alaska. Their Annual Communication will be held on Tuesday February 2nd and go to Friday February 5th in Anchorage.

This Grand Master brew is going to be offered in the Hospitality Lounge for those who wish to stop by for a taste. Grand Master Bo has made two types: the one on the right is a India Pale Ale in the making and the on one the left is going to be an Amber.

If you would like to get more information on attending the Annual Communication click here.

Here is a haiku that might describe why people home brew:

Hobbies fill my time
Ales and lagers fill my glass
Home brewing does both


Weigh, mash, boil, pitch
All good fun, but happiness
Is smiling friends

I think I'd like to have a batch of the Grand Master's Brew for a Table Lodge.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

We meet by the Light of the Full Moon

In the early days, many Masonic lodges used to organize their meeting nights to coincide with the phase of the full moon. This had a lot to do with the fact that transportation was very poor then. Getting from home to lodge was often a problem. Having lodge the same night as a full moon was to help ensure the brothers traveling to and from lodge would have the advantage of the bright moon to aid them in navigating on the rough country roads and footpaths.

As transportation and roads improved, and since many Grand Lodges insisted that lodges meet upon fixed dates, many lodges gave up the old practice.

I understand that there are less than 500 "moon lodges" in the United States today.

My first experience with a "Moon Light Lodge" was a very memorable one. I was making a Grand Lodge visit to Accacia Lodge #51 in Cottage Grove Minnesota. As I was driving to the lodge the moon was big, full and shining brightly over the pine trees. The light of the moon allowed me to see a large jack rabbit and pheasants in a field covered in snow. It was one of those beauitful sub-zero Minnesota nights.

Following the stated meeting and a wonderful dinner, the Worshipful Master and Wardens presented me with a key fob. On the back side all the dates of the full moon were printed on it to help the brothers remember lodge night dates.

So I have added a Moon Phase indicator icon to the blog. This is to aid any brother in planning his Calendar and is reminiscent to the days of Freemasonry before us.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Hanukkah

For many of my Brothers, tonight is the first day of Hanukkah. To all of them, I wish you a very happy Hanukkah.
For all of us as we sit down with our families at our holiday tables, let us remember those brave men and women in our armed forces. They have been called to duty to foreign lands. They are separated from their families and loved ones.
Please remember them in your prayers, knowing that they are keeping our country strong and preserving our freedom.
May the year ahead of you be filled with good health, and may you be surrounded by love and peace.
Happy Hanukkah.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Poem A Real Mason

A Real Mason
By Bro. Frank F. Baer

My Brother, Masonry means more
Than just to wear a pin,
Or carrying a dues receipt
So the Lodge will let you in.
You wear an emblem on your coat,
And on your hand a ring.
But, if you're not sincere at heart,
This doesn't mean a thing.
It's just an outward sign to show
The world that you belong
To this Fraternal Brotherhood
That teaches right from wrong.
What really counts lies buried deep
Within the human breast;
Masonic teaching brings it out
And puts it to the test.
If you can do outside the Lodge
The things you learn within,
Be just and upright to yourself
And to your fellow men;
Console a brother when he's sick,
Or help him when in need.
Without a thought of a reward
For any act or deed;
Conduct yourself in such a way
The world without can see
None but the best can meet the test
Laid down by Masonry;
Respect and live up to your trust
And do the best you can;
Then you can tell the world you are
A Mason and a Man!