The Grand Master Of Masons in Alaska, Bo Cline, is busy making home brew beer to offer you a sample at the upcoming Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Alaska. Their Annual Communication will be held on Tuesday February 2nd and go to Friday February 5th in Anchorage.
This Grand Master brew is going to be offered in the Hospitality Lounge for those who wish to stop by for a taste. Grand Master Bo has made two types: the one on the right is a India Pale Ale in the making and the on one the left is going to be an Amber.
If you would like to get more information on attending the Annual Communication click here.
Here is a haiku that might describe why people home brew:
Hobbies fill my time
Ales and lagers fill my glass
Home brewing does both
Weigh, mash, boil, pitch
All good fun, but happiness
Is smiling friends
I think I'd like to have a batch of the Grand Master's Brew for a Table Lodge.