The National Heritage Museum is funded by the Scottish Rite Masons of the Northern Jurisdication of the United States. The museum is dedicated to the history of American Freemasonry. This museum has one of the finest Masonic collections in th U.S.
The National Heritage Museum is a full service faculity that has much to offer. The Collections and exhibits are mostly Masonic but many others on American History and interesting topics. It hosts a research library and has assisted in the authoring important scholary books on Freemasonry. It is probably one of the few Museums that its gift shops specializes in Masonic apparel,books and trinkets.
The National Heritage Museum is located in Lexington Mass. the birth place of the American Revolution. As a matter of fact acouple of hundred years ago Paul Revere took his midnight ride just past the door step of the museums location. The faculity sits on 22 acres that is manicured lawns with flowering shrubs and trees.( It looks like a perfect place for a picnic)
Mark Tabbert the Author of "American FreeMasons" told me its a place that I have to visit.
He should know he used to work there.
Here is the link to see for yourself http://www.nationalheritagemuseum.org/