I was fortunate to attend the Midwest Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges. I went with the Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas McCarthy of Minnesota Masons and Deputy Grand Master John Cook.
The other participants were our counter parts from Manitoba, Michigan, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois, South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska.
Our host was Grand Master Russ Reno and the Grand Lodge of Nebraska. I will say that the program they put together for us was stimulating, thought provking and OUTSTANDING! I walked out the door with 14 pages of notes and some great ideas on membership, leadership, long range planning, and learned alot of new things...Of course I made many new friends.
My backside is tired from sitting long hours in the car. My side hurts from the laughter of the jokes and stories I heard. My head is over flowing with great new approaches to old problems. I learned alot and had a great time with the Masons of the Mid-West.