Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Photo by Tom Hendrickson

On September 19, 2022, Red Wing Lodge #8 held its second evening dedicated for the purpose of Lodge Education.

After a nice light lunch put together by our Worshipful Master Gary Thomas, we retired to the Lodge room where Past Grand Master John Gann introduced Mark Meir and Bill Dehkes of the FACE IT Foundation.

The FACE IT Foundation addresses the one in ten men who experience depression. Most men fear the stigma, shame, and the lack of understanding surrounding depression. This fear prevents many men from dealing with or asking for help. Untreated depression in men’s lives leads to ruined lives, and shattered families.

The FACE IT Foundation is the only organization of its kind in Minnesota where all the services that they provide are free. Just some of their services include support groups, retreats, Saturday breakfasts, monthly education classes, help in navigating available resources and social activities. 

One of the very important aspects of the program is friendship and support. A man who can develop relationships and a sense of community will not be so apt to isolate themselves when dealing with life’s problems. When men isolate themselves its easily can lead to alcohol and drug abuse or suicide.

In 2019 47,511 Americans died by suicide. Men die by suicide four times as often as women.

The FACE IT Foundation is a unique organization that works to create an awareness and a support system for men to be able to ask for help. It’s an organization that saves lives.

The Grand Lodge of Minnesota has made contributions to FACE IT for the past ten years. This year Minnesota Masonic Charities has made a three-year financial commitment to help them continue their valuable work.

If you would like help or more information or would like to make a contribution the information is below.




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