Monday, December 6, 2021

Red Wing Lodge Installation of Officers and Christmas Pudding

On December 6, 2021, Red Wing Lodge held its annual Installation of Officers. Before the Installation the members and guests gather for social time, and a wonderful dinner. Gary Thomas makes his traditional English Pudding for dessert. 

The lighting of the pudding is a very fun time. You will note that this year he used a flameproof pan. A couple of years ago the flames caught the tablecloth on fire.   

Most English puddings are very small and there is just a small flame, very small. Ours is about the size of a volleyball, and Gary used a very healthy cup of holiday cheer for the flames. 

The Installing Master was WB Nick Johnson of Corithian Lodge, and the Installing Marshal was Jason Lavoi the Grand Lodge District Representative. They did just a marvelous job.

It's going to be a great year. I know everyone says that at every Installation. But Red Wing Lodge already has a full calendar of events planned, and Officers who are knowledgeable and committed to doing it.  


Candlelight Dinner

Red Wing Lodge Officers 2021-2022

Christmas Pudding with brandy butter

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