Sunday, August 8, 2021

Grand Lodge of Minnesota Past Grand Masters Luncheon 2021


Front row: left to right Sr. Grand Deacon Robert S. Davis, Jr. Grand Stewart Bruce A. Carson, MWB David E. Olson-2013, MWB Jack Benson-1995, MWB John R. Gann-2015, MW Grand Master Rolf M. Widstrand, MWB Eric J. Neetenbeck-1996, MWB Steven R. Johnson 2006, MWB Roger M. Taylor 2001, Junior Grand Warden Foster D. Solem, MWB Jeffrey N. Lewis 1999

Back row; left to right Grand Treasurer Frank Spevak, Deputy Grand Master Tony R. Kroll, Junior Grand Deacon Shawn R. Carrick, MWB Thomas Jackson-2008, MWB Thomas E. Hendrickson-2011, MWB Andrew Rice-2005, Senior Grand Warden Dayton L. Berg, MWB Eathan A. Seaberg-2019-2020, MWB Robert L. Darling-2016

 The Twelfth Annual Past Grand Masters luncheon was held on August 6, 2021, at the Minnesota Masonic Home in Bloomington, Minnesota (Covid prevented us from meeting in 2020). 

It is an occasion for all the Past Grand Masters along with the current Grand Master and his Officers to celebrate our heritage and honor our traditions, embracing the present while looking to the future.  

We have gathered since 2009 in the mid to late Summer when things are more relaxed, and it’s easier to travel. It’s also a more convenient time for the Grand Master and his officers to attend before their calendars become filled with Lodge events. 

It’s a wonderful opportunity for all of us to escape our daily activities for a time and to gather together in one place for just a couple of hours to share past memories and discuss the future with the newest officers. 

There were many who could not attend due to health issues, work and family commitments and we missed them, we were able to receive updates from those familiar with their circumstances.

There were three deaths in our Masonic Family this year:

Past Grand Master George W. Christie 1952

Past Grand Master Charles Baltos 1991

Past Grand Master Charles J. Luman 1998

This year was an especially satisfying year to meet after being isolated from our Masonic Brotherhood this past year due to Covid. It was good to be able to give each other a hearty handshake, and look into each other’s eyes, and share with each other what’s happening in our lives. It was also a good reminder to appreciate and remember those who served before us, celebrate their lives, and enjoy the time that we have together.



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