Monday, December 28, 2020

My Masonic New Year

 I enter my Masonic New Year with the understanding that I am making a fresh start. I begin by discarding thoughts, attitudes, and habits that are not compatible with an excellent life. I let go of whatever caused past discouragement, disappointment, or disagreement. I know that seemingly negative outcomes are desires or goals that are yet to be fulfilled. I am open and receptive to new ideas, activities, and relationships. 

Each day, I can follow a fresh plan of fulfillment. I act on divine ideas that I receive in moments of prayer, and inspiration. These ideas flow through wholesome, positive, thoughts. As I use creative thinking to build, upon divine ideas, my activities and my abilities are enhanced. Therefore, I enter this New Year with optimism, joy, and enthusiasm.

Author Unknown

As Freemasons we are constantly seeking to improve ourselves and the world around us. In 2020, the Covid-19 virus has presented us with life changing events, that have made our primary focus day to day living essentials and our safety. 

 This has been a year of change and sometimes chaos. We may be working from home, perhaps while wearing your pajamas perched at the kitchen table or sitting on the sofa with your laptop all the while your toddler plays at your feet because the daycare is closed. School age kids may be remote learning at home or doing hybrid learning which are both their own challenges. 

We have been unable to attend lodge meetings, family gatherings, religious events or even our kid’s athletic games, if they are even happening. I think we may all be suffering a bit from social isolation, and especially at this time of year, may be missing the comradery of Freemasonry, and strong social connections. 

Throw in a shortage of toilet paper, hand wipes and cleaning supplies, plus having to wear a mask everywhere we go, and our world has certainly changed. 

In this turmoil that has been 2020, we may have been distracted, forgetful or neglectful of working on our Rough Ashlar. But then, maybe 2020, and the lack of activities, has allowed us fresh focus. This will be different for everyone. 

Now as the New Year is rapidly approaching this may be a great time to take a few moments for a bit of introspection, to reflect upon the past twelve months, both the good and the difficult, and reorient for the future.

I wish for you All Good Health, Love, Promise and Hope in 2021. 

Happy New Year

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