Thursday, February 20, 2020

Owatonna-Austin Minnesota York Rite Get Together

Generally speaking Freemasonry in our state is decreasing in size, and our York Rite is to no acception. In the past decade the population in our smaller communities, and rural areas have decreased as well. Throw in the aging population in the equation and there is a problem to having thriving Lodges, and effective York Rites.

There are a few people (myself included) who saw the problem, and working with other Companions and Sir Knights to develop a plan to get over those obstacles.

The Owatonna and Austin York Rite have come together for a monthly social event, and to assist each other with degree work. This photo is the second such monthly event. Positive things are already occurring from it. One of those Brothers pictured is a potential candidate. There was discussion that at our next meeting three more perspective York Rite Candidates will be invited to join us. Seventeen came for dinner. Plans for this quarterly business meeting will be for a full form ritualistic opening. Something that has not been seen in these parts for sometime.

To make changes, all is needed is a little thinking out of the ordinary, having the courage to try something  different. a little communication and finding a comfortable place with great food.

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