Sunday, November 24, 2019

New Royal Arch Chapter in Minnesota

Iron Range Royal Arch Chapter #70
This is a photo of the newest Royal Arch Chartered in Minnesota . Iron Range #70.
How did they do that you may ask? The Leadership of the Grand Royal Arch of Minnesota, and the Companions did something very different. They" Dared to Change" and think out of the box.

Over the years the demographics of Northern Minnesota has changed greatly due to the declining  industries of iron ore mining, and timber. The Chapters, Councils and Commanderies also declined and many closed or were merged with others.

One of the Spark Plugs of this new Chapter is Phil Bodle. In his search for more Masonic Light he joined the Royal Arch Chapter, Cryptic Council and Commandery in Duluth. He drove more than 60 miles to attend meetings. Phil was in the Progressive Line of Hibbing Lodge at the time.During this time he educated the members of his lodge of the York Rite. He became Master of his Lodge and thats when things got serious.

He got the attention of the Grand High Priest David Emery and that's when the thinking caps came on. After many visits and much conversation that the idea of creating a Traveling Chapter or Regional Chapter came into development.

Iron Range Lodge #70 will service a thirty mile radius  with members in Hibbing, Eveleth and Grand Rapids Minnesota. Their Charter will move on a scheduled basis. This will allow more exposure to more Blue Lodges in the region, and more Brothers exposed to the York Rite for further light in Freemasonry. 

This story will be continued in the next few months with a interviews of everyone who made it happen. Also a follow up with Phil on how things are going and what plans he has instore.

November 23, 2019 is a Red Letter Day for the Minnesota Royal Arch!

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