Sunday, October 22, 2017

Musee de l”Armee  Paris France
Tom Hendrickson
I had the great opportunity to visit the French Army Museum in Paris France this past January. Its Medieval Armour collection is the best in the world. Its collections contains hundreds upon hundreds of complete suits of Armour, beautiful ornate craftmanship that are works of art. You can see how small the Knights actually were. I am standing next to the typical suit of Armour.
After about four hours we needed a break and had a wonderful lunch in the museum cafeteria as only the French can do. Then it was on to the Artillery collection, the Napoleons Crypt that was most impressive as well. 
When we exited the Museum directly outside we found the Order of Malta setting up for a charity fundraiser. The Order is a lay religious Order of the Catholic Church and was established in 1113 A.D.  After we had past them at a safe distanced I whispered “Remember Jacques DeMolay”!

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