Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Happy Birthday Albert Pike

December 29th Happy Birthday Albert Pike!

I think that there isn't much to say about Albert Pike that hasn't been  already written extensively about. But I think to take a moment to recognize his his birthday is in order.

He was born in Boston Massachusetts on December 29, 1809. During his life he was an Attorney,Soldier,Writer,Poet, Philosopher, a member of the Oddfellows, and noted Freemason.

He died on April 2, 1891 in Washington D.C. at the Scottish Rite Temple.

Albert Pike is the only Civil War Confederate Military Officer with a statue in Washington D.C.
The statue is located near the Judiciary Square Metro Stop.

To learn more about Brother Pike I recommend the Book: "A life of Albert Pike By Warren Lee Brown.

"Ya Albert Pike certainly was a man who was an imaginative Tinker"

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