Friday, July 8, 2016

Master Mason Murdered-Dallas Texas

Master Mason Brent Thompson a Dallas Police Officer was murdered yesterday in Downtown Dallas, Texas. He was on duty protecting the lives, and Constitutional Rights, of Black Lives protesters during a lawful march demonstrating their grievances.His life was taken by a Sniper who was filled with hate who is now no longer with us...

Brother Brent was a seven year Veteran of the Dallas Rapid Area Rapid Transit Police, He left a wife and family. He was a member of Corsicana Lodge #174 in Corsicana, Texas

Brother Brent's death is a senseless tragedy. He is a hero for defending other citizens constitutional rights. He paid the supreme sacrifice to support, and defend clause of his oath.

As a retired Cop of 33 years it always seems to me that the Cops who are killed are young, and have kids...Its hard to refrain from expressing my opinion, but I will say this, if the Dallas Police Department needs funds to replace R2D2 give me a call. I'll deliver the check personally.

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